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  • (-) ≠ Verstraten, P.W.J.
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(3,181 - 3,200 of 3,509)


“Everything is Taken Care of” A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of a Chocolate Company’s Communication on Ethical Cocoa
Integration of non-Estonian into the Estonian society between the years 2000-2013
A comparison between two of the main migration corridors in the world; Mexico-USA and the European Union-Turkey.
Sino-North Korean Relations: China tackling the North Korean dilemma under a Realist framework
Outlining the NGO Sector’s History and Motivations.  Accountability in Highly Corrupt Countries.
Art and Politics: Film as a Tool for Political Protest in Communist Poland
Plan Colombia and its Promotion of the Nation-State: A Militarization Process Constructed by Western World Society
Identity and representation of North Korean migrants living in South Korea: Analysis through popular media
Chained by the Global Value Chain: Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector
The Dragon on the Nile - The Impact of Chinese Hydro-Infrastructure Investment on the regional power balance of the Nile River Basin
Women empowerment in community-based eco-tourism
Homophobia in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Uganda
Constructing the past, assuring the future: examining narratives of European Integration
The Nonviolence-Violence Dichotomy: Reconsidering the Civil Rights Era
The tradeoff between security and human rights in Mexico: the situation during Calderón’s ’war on drugs’
The Accountability Case of Shell in Nigeria
The Influence of Chavismo on Foreign Policy
'Brotherhood and Unity' in Dissolution, Slobodan Milošević and the Rise of Nationalism
