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(3,221 - 3,240 of 3,509)


Argentina Flirts with Venezuela: An Analysis of Interest-Based Pragmatism during the Kirchner Era
Social Sustainability in the Housing Sector - A Disregarded Problem
The Evolution of Colombian Nation Branding: “The Answer is Colombia” Campaign – a Recipe for Global Recognition
State-NGO Relations in China
Latin American security cooperation  UNASUR’s promise for a unified regional approach
Tanja Nijmeijer: From Guerillera to Peacebreaker
To what extent is Germany’s trade-marking of its Reinheitsgebot a sign of it protecting its cultural heritage following the 1987 European Court of Justice case deeming it illegal and protectionist under EU Law?
How Did the American Government’s Use of Private Military Contractors Affect their Efforts in State Building in Iraq during the Bush Administration?
Turkish Interest in Kyrgyzstan: The effects of Turkish soft power initiatives on the educational sphere in Kyrgyzstan, 1991-2015
Civilian Agency in the Thai-Burmese Border Region: Self-Protection and Its Effects on the Burmese Secessionist Conflict
Saudi-Iranian Relations Since 2013. The nuclear deal: a game-changer in the balance of powers in the Middle East?
A Chronology of Trauma: Resisting the Discursive Construction of Identity after Chernobyl
Father and God. An Analyses of Posters of Stalin and Children between 1935 and 1953
The Rise of Right Wing Movements in Germany between 1990 and 2015 with a Focus on the Refugee Crisis of 2015
Moscow's Nation-Building Escalated
Decolonisation in Indonesia and Algeria
Israel's Military Elite: The Dominance of the Army and the Struggle to Peace
