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Search results

(41 - 60 of 68)


Geswinc, Geswell ond Wyrmas: Understanding Cancer in Anglo-Saxon England
Drihtne gecoren, snotor and soðfæst: The Ideal Anglo-Saxon Counsellor in the Old English 'Daniel'
The State of the Feud: Examining feud and fæhð in early medieval England and Beowulf
The Multifacetted Portrayal of King Alfred in Vita Alfredi
“For þe bludy menyson”: Dysentery in Old and Middle English Medical Texts.
Noisy Neomedievalists: Neomedievalism in Viking Metal, Anglo-Saxon Metal and Neofolk.
Game of Tropes: Subversion of Medieval Ideals in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire
True and Wonderful Dragons
The Sons of Ham and Shem: The Portrayal of Africa and Asia in Anglo-Saxon England
Grendles Mōdor: From Monster to Human
Viking versus English, Monster versus Human: The Halls in Beowulf
Stylistic Choices in the Portrayal of Female Characters in Lord of the Rings
Guinevere and Morgan le Fay in "Merlin" and "Camelot": Medieval Women Depicted in Modern Times
A Poet's Conundrum; The Strategic Implementation of Heroism in the Old English Genesis
"We Should Rule": Empowering Women in History's Vikings
Mon That Wol of Wysdam Heren: Middle English and Middle Dutch Proverb Collections
'Under the Dragon-Spell': Dragons in Medieval and Medievalist Fiction
Incorrect Old English or in Correct Old English? An Analysis of the Corrections in the Twelfth-Century Eadwine Psalter
The Earl Conundrum
Reshaping the Heroic: Heroism in JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth
