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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Asian Studies (60 EC) (MA
  • (-) ≠ Horsman, Yasco
  • (-) = Scott-Smith, Giles

Search results

(21 - 37 of 37)


The Black Man and the Bomb: The interconnection between racism and anti-nuclear protests in South Africa and the United States
How has the U.S. Rebalance affected U.S.-Sino Relations in the South China Sea Region?
Leading Smart: The Implementation of Smart Power in American Foreign Policy regarding the Ukraine Crisis and South China Sea Conflict
The U.S. Embargo Against Cuba: 55 Years Later
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Post-war Austria through American eyes, 1945-1948
The Tradeoffs of Trade
US created Multilateral Alliances: Why they succeed in Europe but Failed in South East Asia: Evaluating NATO and SEATO
Dutch Master fighting Communism, The Cultural Back Stage of Dutch Cold War Politics
Just War or just war? Constructivist and Gramscian insights into the conflict in Kosovo and NATO's decision to intervene
Cordell Hull, Benjamin Sumner Welles en Cuba
'Propaganda' in the Polder. The Dutch government, informing and Polygoon newsreels in the early cold war period, 1945-1956.
Tanzania's Political National Identity and Democratic Development
Public Pressure on Pharmaceutical Animal Testing
Twin Pillar Strategy: Welke rol heeft de Iraanse revolutie op de Amerikaanse strategie gehad?
Hendrik Brugmans, the Federal Solution and the Cultural Renewal of Europe
Carefully Thinking Over The Next Move. Anglo-American efforts to settle the war-time dispute between Poland and the Soviet Union, 1943-1944.
