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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA
  • (-) ≠ Gommans, Jos
  • (-) = Research master thesis

Search results

(41 - 60 of 806)


Differential Object Marking in Kîîtharaka
The Nocturnal Nature of Early Christianity
Red Laboratory
Brave New Mexico: Revolutionary nationalism and gender ideology in Adelita y las Guerrillas
Silence, Song and Speech. Euripidean women finding their  voice
Funerary Monuments in Palmyrene and Nabataean Inscriptions.
The Virtuous Massacre
On Rational Belief about History
Between Sunna and Realpolitik
Between Freedom and Constraints: Women Translators in Republican China (1912-1949)
Soul Searching
Individual Differences in Musical Experience and L2 Vowel Perception: Insights from EEG and Behavioral Measures
Acoustic correlates and diagnostics of ATR in Boa-Leboale
'Our nation urgently needs knowledge, technology and development'
An Alternative Neo-Confucianism: Zhang Shi Learning and the Intellectual Transitions Between Northern and Southern Song China
Maternal Grief in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry
China's Virtual Museum Exhibitions: Presenting Communist History to Foreign Audiences
Sojourners, Sailors, and Sex Workers
Zheng Tufei and "The Coconuts". Revolution, Coolies, and Heartbreaks in Nanyang
Spectant Victores Ruinam Naturae
