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(1,981 - 2,000 of 2,091)


Op huwelijksjacht in Japan: Een analyse van de Japanse huwelijksmarkt en de ontwikkelingen in huwelijksondersteuningsprogramma's van de lokale overheid
A Bridge too Far: Online Critical Discourse Analysis into the Construction of Hong Kong National Identity in Discussions on Infrastructure Projects
Islamic Revival and Economic Development
United States-China Relations and the SCS: The Impact of the Trump Presidency
Bedrijfscultuur in Japan: Agentschapsconflicten in beursgenoteerde familiebedrijven
Offending an Emperor - Shaping the Narrative of Desi Sangye Gyatso’s Deceit in Daiqing Imperial History
The Politics of Transboundary Water Resources. A Case Study of EU Policy Regarding Transboundary Water Interaction in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
The Korean Guards of WW2: A Look at the Reputation of Imperial Non-Soldiers
Looking Beyond the Rentier State Theory: Discursive Trends in Studies of Productivity and Entrepreneurship in Arabian Gulf Economies
The impact of Chinese beauty ideals on Chinese women living in the Netherlands.
Osmaanse renovatieprojecten in Jeruzalem. Een case study naar een renovatieproject uit 1742.
Divorce Mediation and the Debate on Japanese Litigiousness
Nord Stream 2 in Perspective: German-Russian Energy Relations and Its Effects on the EU
Van diefstal tot consumptie. Het verband tussen diefstallen en de vraag naar consumptiegoederen in Leiden tussen 1811 en 1834.
Drive Responsibly: Comparing the differences in approach to and performance of sustainable development between Chinese firms and Western MNCs in the PRC: A case study on the global automotive industry.
What translation methods and strategies can be applied to best translate puns in Japanese media to English?
explaining deregulation on the Japanese labor market
De 2019 Hongkong protesten in Chinese nieuwsmedia: een discoursanalyse
Finding Abundance in Restriction; Purity Culture and its Effects on Justification and Apologetic Strategies in Vegan Online Cultic Milieus
