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  • (-) = Smits, I.B.

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(21 - 40 of 49)


Michizane's Masks. The literary politics of self-representation in Kanke bunsō, poems 183-213
The Arbitrarily Systematized World(s) and the Media Mix
Tōkaidō Yotsuya kaidan’s Oiwa: Analysis of a kabuki vengeful ghost
Onverenigbare Idealen? De shōjo in Yosano Akiko's 'Tamaki no ichinenkan'
Women in the yakuza and mafia: how the movies represent them
Feminist literary theory and Yoshimoto Banana’s  Goodbye Tsugumi
"Always the Ugly Duckling, Never the Swan": The Paradoxical Authorship of Murakami Haruki
Oldboy: A Contemporary Interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus
Battle Royale’s Boys: Een genderanalyse van de jongens uit Battle Royale
The Representation of the Hokusai Style in Ehon Saishiki Tsū
Media Mix Beyond Fiction
Unfair Play: Female Objectification and Gender Inequality in Video Games in Japan and the World
Seeing Culture by Ear: The Function of Radio Broadcasting in the Socialisation and Cultivation of Two Communities in Northern Japan
Noriko: Het vrouwelijke personage in de films van Ozu Yasujirō vanaf 1949 door de lens van de Amerikaanse bezetting van Japan, 1945-1952
Vernietigende vrouwen, mythische moeders
Transfiguration into the world of dreams: The adaptation of foreign musicals for the Takarazuka stage
Vertelstructuren In Japanse Role Playing Games
