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  • (-) ≠ Engelse taal en cultuur (BA
  • (-) ≠ Smits, I.B.
  • (-) = Russian and Eurasian Studies (MA

Search results

(41 - 60 of 150)


The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Russian Online Media
The Roaring 20s
Marko Vovchok. The Voice of the Ukrainian Peasant Woman
Evaluating Policies and Prospects of Alphabet Reform: The Case of Kazakhstan Considered in a Comparative Lens with Uzbekistan
Tatarstan: Contested autonomy and pursue of foreign relations with Turkey
Russia in the Baltic states: a ticking time bomb?
Trafficking through the Northern Route: International Organisation's Response to Drug Trafficking in Tajikistan
Are Minorities in Europe 'Othered' in the Space between Policy and Academic Research? - A Case Study on Russians in Latvia and Estonia
Lida's side of the story. A case study of national identity in Belarus.
Imagining Mnogonatsional'nost': The Representation of a Multiethnic Nation in Contemporary Kazahkstani Film
Spread of an Infodemic: Disinformation in the Russian Media Ecosystem
Chernukha in recent Russian cinema: an analysis of The Major (2013), The Fool (2014), Leviathan (2014), and Loveless (2017)
Carving Agency out of Ice: Regional Agency in Russia's Arctic Development
Inequality in the Russian Agricultural Sector
Representations of Femininity and Women in the Military in Russian and Soviet Cinema
Aspirational Politics, Aspirational Homes: The reflection of Ukraine’s pro-European political transition in Kyiv’s housing construction
Outraging the People by Stepping out of the Shadows: Gender roles, the ‘feminine ideal’ and gender discourse in the Soviet Union and Raisa Gorbacheva, the Soviet Union’s only First Lady
Local Memory of Tragedy amidst a War of Memories:  A Case Study of the 2nd of May Events in Odesa, Ukraine
The framing of Russia’s 2018 pension reform in state-controlled news broadcasting
Reconstructing the separatist narrative of the DPR: A framing analysis of the state-run online media outlet DNR-News
