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(21 - 40 of 202)


From the View of Nowhere to Now- Here
Gelukkig Eenzaam
A Wife and a Warrior: The Significance of Gender for Maitreyi's and Gargi's Philosophy
Becoming One with the Way: A Search for a Solution to the Problem of Duality
On the Indispensable Role of Oral Traditions in Historiographical Reconstruction of East African Colonial History
The Now-What-Question: Moral-Preservationist Theories Revisited
How (not) to eliminate injustice: A philosophical critique of the injustices in democratic societies as proposed by Rawls and Young
Finding the Best Argument from Moral Disagreement against the Objectivity of Morality
Picking a Fight: On the Moral Status of Combatants in the Ethics of War
The Foucauldian Need for Li: A Matter of Surveillance and Shame
How the notion of ‘the child’  in Nietzsche’s ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ overcomes  the nihilism in Nietzsche’s ‘Genealogy of Morality’.
Quinn en Liu over doen en laten
Event-Causal Libertarianism and Quantum Indeterminism
Of Attributive Moral Responsibility
The tension between the wuwei of Laozi and the li of Confucius
Immanent Normativity One: Normativity as Justification
the autonomous individual vs. the relational self: A reconceptualization of the Kantian rational person through a Confucian lens
The effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences viewed from a Computational Perspective
De Negatieve Invloed van Hate Speech op de Vrijheid van Meningsuiting
To what extent can Utilitarianism provide a solution for the problem of overpopulation?
