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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Hebreeuwse en Joodse Studies (BA
  • (-) = Bellucci, Stefano
  • (-) = 2017

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(1 - 13 of 13)
Omens of a nascent democracy in Zimbabwe?
The Resource Curse in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Analysing the Coltan Conflict and the Involvement of Foreign Actors
“You Cannot Hide Me Away”: Stigmatization, Discrimination, and Varying Experiences of People with Albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa
Not Only a Girl’s Best Friend: Chance and Challenge of Namibia’s Political and Economical Development
From Difficult Birth to Defiant Adolescence - Land, Race and Nation-Building in Zimbabwe
The African Rejection and Embracement of Western Styles of Dressing a Continental Overview
Ujamaa Linguistics and the Kiswahili Regime
The African Quest for an inter-African Jurisdiction: Looking Beyond the International Criminal Court versus Africa Debate
The Lonely Nation: Eritrea between Self-Reliance and Climate Change
Authoritarianism and War: An Attempt to Rationalise the Eritrean-Ethiopian Border Conflict of 1998 - 2000
The Somali post-colonial failed state experience: the Italian Trusteeship Administration, Somali society and Siad Barre’s regime
China and the EU in Africa. Economic Partnerships: Beneficial or Questionable