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(12,721 - 12,740 of 13,519)


Modern Multi-Ethnic Empires: A Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Policies in Manchukuo and the Soviet Union
Decision making in the Chinese space program
Een vergelijking tussen Nederlandse antikoloniale Atjeh-oorlog propaganda en pro-boer propaganda tussen 1873 en 1914
Feasibility of the extra-territorial processing of asylum applications by the member states of the European Union
Constructing the Identity of AI: A Discussion of the AI Debate and its Shaping by Science Fiction
The Power of Buen Vivir: Scaling Up Ecuadorian Environmental Governance
Lions, Leviathans, and Thymocracy
Confronting Darkness: An Exploration of Tone, Heightened Reality and the Function of Ambiguity in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogy
Psychiatry and subjectivity: an enactive phenomenological approach to mental illness
Loyalty and Filial Piety in The Tale of the White Snake: an analysis of Lady White's positive portrayal in drum ballads
Consumer nationalism in China: influence of anti-foreign sentiments on Chinese consumer behavior – the case of Japan
Physiognomy as a transcultural key to correctly understanding early modern figural art
The role of women in Jewish magic
Japan: the 'superior victim'
The Role of Islam in Creating Communities for Central Asian Migrants in Moscow
Didactic irony and the realm of uncertainty
New Social Movements versus Populist Movements: The Case of the Chilean Student Protest since 2006
Wilberforce and the Wilberforce House Museum: Opposing Slavery and the Slave Trade Then and Now
Empoderamento, gênero e microcrédito: a política de microcrédito na Região Metropolitana do Recife
