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(1 - 20 of 32)


Ruining Men’s Lives: White Male Victimhood in the 2006 Duke Lacrosse and 2014 UVA Rolling Stone Rape Scandals
“Views” and “Beliefs”
Where the Future Happens First: How Subnational Climate Diplomacy Generates Transformative Change Through Rescaling and Entrenchment
EU Sanctioning Behavior in the Post-Lisbon Era
The Coalition of the Willing: A Case Study of The Netherlands & Poland
Visions and discourses: the bilateral relationship between Vietnam and the United States since 2017
Russia’s Security Export: a Tool for Authoritarian Support in Africa
Forces-for-status: The Netherlands’ Contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (2006-2010)
A comparison of a defensive realist approach versus offensive realist approach in the U.S. influence in Afghanistan
Obama vs.Johnson and Clinton: A Comparison of Welfare Politics
Gender and Racial Stereotypes: The Portrayal of Women of Color in American Politics by Right Wing Media
Kosygin Week
Broken Frames: A Critical Analysis of Fox News' Coverage of Mexican Immigration
Why Canada became a global leader in peacekeeping in the 1960s and 1970s
In Other Wor(l)ds
