Leiden University Student Repository

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Search results

(41 - 60 of 83)


Mensbeeld en burn-out: Filosofische psychologie van vervreemding in organisaties
Gender Transactionalism and the Inadequacy of Implicit Bias to Account for Structural and Persistent Gender Inequality in the Dutch Labour Market
Criminal law without punishment? Towards a different response to wrongdoing
The Sovereign, The Revolutionary and Deconstruction: Derrida on Law and Reality
Strong External Representation of Future Generations: Legitimate and Effective
The Authority of International Law - A study in international legal positivism
Gaining Ground. Towards a new definition of landscape
De politieke beslissing in het recht. Een rechtsfilosofische verkenning van de verhouding tussen soevereiniteit en recht
Silencing the Silencing? On Illocution, Conversational Exclusion, and the Free Speech Argument for Censorship
A critical investigation of Corey Brettschneider's value theory of democracy. Or, how democratic are illiberal democracies?
Time, Intuition and Memory: In Bergon's Philosophy and Woolf's Literature
Symmetry and Otherness: On Interaction with the Other in Camus and Levinas
Giving Each Their Due: Luck Egalitarianism and Desert
Das Sein der Welt. Husserl and Heidegger on the Concept of World
Taking things seriously: the politics of new materialism
The limits of boundaries: to which extent does the all subjected principle do justice to the personal autonomy of the agents under its scope?
A Concept of Life as an Emergent Property Originating from the Interplay between Biological Individuality and Entropy
Moral particularism and the charge of intuitionism
Revenge pornography: a conceptual analysis. Undressing a crime of disclosure
Beyond the Formal Will: A research into concepts of the will in Kant, Schelling, and Cohen
