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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Middle Eastern Studies (MA
  • (-) ≠ Broad, Matthew
  • (-) = Valdivia Rivera, Soledad

Search results

(21 - 40 of 81)


From anti-imperialism to anti-Americanism in Venezuela. Analyzing the effect of 9/11 and the War on Terror on the political discourse of Hugo Chavez.
Media pluralism and democracy:the case of commercial versus community media in Mexico
THE SOCIO-POLITICS OF NARCOCORRUPTION: How the Narco-Culture Influences the Legitimacy of the Mexican Police
Regional Integration in Latin America: the Exceptional Case of Mercosur
The invisible hand of China: The geopolitical manifestations on Brazil during the Pink Tide
The NGOization of Peruvian Women's Movements: Limitations and Opportunities of a Hybrid Structure
Resistencia en la identidad: El regionalismo en Magallanes, Chile como articulador de la actividad política
The dynamics of violence and legitimacy in contemporary Mexico (2006-2018)
Chávez y Caudillismo. Un Análisis del Liderazgo de Hugo Chávez desde una Perspectiva Histórica
Verstedelijking versus burgerveiligheid. De effecten van het verstedelijkingsproces van El Alto ten opzichte van burgerveiligheid en de rol van burgerparticipatie
From Constitution to Reality: Main Difficulties in the Promotion of Indigenous Languages in Bolivia
The Influence of Dictators on Democratic Transition
The decrease of public political discontent in Brazil through ‘glocal’ governance
De stem van de Bolivariaanse Revolutie: Populistische en anti-imperialistische elementen in het politieke discours in Venezuela sinds 1999
Latin America’s Varying Levels of Dependency on China
Discourse in Promoting Sex Equality Policy: The Peruvian Case
The Political Race to the South: Chile's Geopolitical Antarctic Strategy Compared to the Strategy of Argentina and Great Britain
