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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
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Search results

(17,741 - 17,760 of 18,777)


Human Flesh Search: Internet Self-Regulation and Public Supervision in China
Strategisch manoeuvreren met semi-kwantitatieve termen in het politiek debat
Hallyu Power: A focus on soft power in Lee Myung Bak’s Cultural Policy
Van Bismillah tot Simsalabim. De invloed van de Arabische magie op de magie in christelijk Europa
A Farewell to Arms? Ernest Hemingway en de Republikeinse zijde in de Spaanse Burgeroorlog
Once Upon a Time...: The Role of Princesses from Middle English Romances to Disney Films
Am I Being Polite?--An Investigation of Chinese students’ pragmatic competence in the realization of politeness strategies in English requests
'Dumbledore' or 'Perkamentus'? The Case of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Children's Literature
The Impact of Reform: Religious and Social Change in the Early Modern English Will
Van Angst tot Ergernis - Zuid-Koreaanse visies op hereniging met Noord-Korea
Hoop en vertrouwen. Een literaire interpretatie van 'de nieuwe Sappho'
De mediaombudsman: nuttiger dan ooit?
Russian correlatives: where there is a will there is a way
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster In The Context Of Civil Society
Los estudiantes indígenas en la educación superior de México
"This Is How You Are": Second-person Narrative in Postmodern Fiction
Perceiving Fricatives in Harsh Circumstances
Zelfdoding in Zuid-Korea: Verklaringen voor zelfdoding in Korea en Japan
The events surrounding the transfer of the Dutch Factory from Hirado to Nagasaki as seen in the Diaries of the Factory Chiefs
