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  • (-) = Amann, Edmund

Search results

(41 - 57 of 57)


Free Trade or Fair Trade? The Impact of Certifications on Rural Development in Cusco, Peru.
Brazil's 'Micro-Steps' to Equality
Coffee Trade and Development
Malvinas/Falklands dispute in micro-context
The False Promises of Privatization in Bolivia: A Case Study on Water Utilities in La Paz/El Alto and Cochabamba
O papel do Bolsa Família na redução da pobreza no Brasil:  Efeitos e implementação do programa no Nordeste e perspectivas futuras.
Improving Aid Effectiveness in Conflict Situations: The Case of Colombia
Development Cooperation between Brazil and Africa during Lula's presidency (2003-2010): The case of Angola, Mozambique and South Africa
Resource Curse, Oil Rent and Mismanagement: The Case of PDVSA
Seriously Concerned? Brazilian Deputies on Inequality and Tax Reform
Inequality in Higher Education in Chile
Cuba's Transition Period
Environmental Protection in Brazil
Cooperação Sul-Sul entre o Brasil e a África: Os casos de Angola e Moçambique
Towards Sustainable Models of Agricultural Development
The impact of legislated gender quotas on the political representation of women in Argentina
