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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
  • (-) ≠ Oude culturen van de mediterrane wereld (Bachelor
  • (-) ≠ 2019

Search results

(41 - 60 of 17,491)


Negotiating National Identity: Minority Perspectives among Zinjibaris in Oman and Nubians in Egypt within State-Led Frameworks
The evolution of French secularism in the aftermath of the 2015 terrorist attacks
Oriëntalisme en de bazaar
The meanings of humour in Hokusai Manga
Negotiating the Status of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Memory Contestation between East Asian Countries
‘The 2008 Global Financial Crisis: An Impactful Event in the Furthering of the Catalan Independence Movement of 2017’.
K-popularizing inbound tourism: The influence of K-pop on K-pop fans’ perception of South  Korea as a travel destination
Infrastructure Diplomacy: Assessing China-Japan Competition in Third-Country Infrastructure Investments
Korean-ness and Kinship in Return to Seoul: Transnational Adoptees, and the Politics of Being “Korean Enough”
K-Pop in the Netherlands: South Korea’s Soft Power
Analoge Vooruitgang
Everyday Peacebuilding: The Role of Women in Peacebuilding in Lebanon
Sustainable Initiatives in Material Realms: Curating Fashion and Textile Exhibitions in Museums for Environmental Advocacy
