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(81 - 100 of 2,080)


Alexey Navalny's 2018 Presidential Election Champaign
From Swamp to Sugar
Moyses dicit, Roma resonat
The fragmentation of rebel factionalization theory
"War wearied hath perform'd what Warr can do"": Towards a New Understanding of the Representations of War in John Milton's Work
Tussen tekst en spraak in de Tweede Sofistiek
LSD: Van wondermiddel tot gevaarlijke drug Nederlandse kranten over LSD 1951-1966
Institutionalizing Tax Transparency
The Police Apparatus of Early Imperial Rome
Differential Object Marking and Inalienability in Central-Southern Italian Dialects
Bidden als business
Ich hab' zu Haus ein Grammophon
State-militia relations: the case of Iraq and the Badr Organization
The Full Story of Identity Politics:  From Indivdiual Identity Formation to  Foreign Policy Decisions
Dehegemonizing The Feminist Discourse
The Occupation of the Palestinian Economy: Economic relations between Israel and Palestine after the Oslo Accords and the formalization of economic dependence.
