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(21 - 40 of 2,053)


Vrouwenwerk: De invloed van de Vereniging Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland op de (rechts)positie van vluchtelingenvrouwen in de jaren tachtig
Reevaluating Deserters: Desertion in Germany and  Italy in World War II
Videogames and global power inequalities
A political and social contextualisation of the 1980s for post-colonial migrants in France
All at Sea: Cross-cultural Encounters on the coast of Masulipatnam, 1676-1678
Disney Princes in a New Age
De bekering van Constantijn de Grote. Op zoek naar het moment waarop keizer Constantijn definitief voor het christendom koos.
The Dutch East India Company's Textile Trade between Coromandel and Makassar during the Eighteenth Century
The Propaganda Roots of Japanese Animation: Seo Mitsuyo’s Momotarō
The concealment of violence?
'The English Language and South Africa'
A Critique of Philip Pettit’s Republicanism and Towards a Prefigurative Non-domination
La descriptio puellae et la male gaze dans la partie Jean de Meung du Roman de la Rose
Constructing a Huguenot Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century America: An Invention of Tradition
Osaka Expo
Degeneration in Victorian times
From East to West
