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(2,041 - 2,053 of 2,053)


CONVERSION CONFLICT OR COMFORT: Women Converting to Islam in the Netherlands: How do Parental Relationships Influence the Conversion, and Vice Versa
Beauty in the Eye of Advertisement
Percussion Patterns in Lhamo: the Drum Patterns of the Nepal Tibetan Lhamo Association
Is Atheism Unnatural? A Critical Approach to the ‘Atheism-is-Unnatural’ Discussion from the Cognitive Science of Religion
anime seichi junrei アニメ聖地巡礼, een benadering vanuit pelgrimage studies
De invloed van de Kanseihervormingen op het latere werk van Santō Kyōden
China and Japan: Comparative Analysis of the Asset Bubble
From making to museum: the lives of Xianfeng silver and cash banknotes
De weergave van architectuur in de Egyptische kunst
The Power of the Group: Group Dynamics in Euripides' Bacchae
Critical Engagement with Racial Discourse in a Digital Fantasy World
The New Maritime Silk Road Initiative: A Chinese Marshall Plan?
Policy Diffusion in Japan: A Qualitative Analysis of the Spread  of LGBT Partnership Systems
