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(1,841 - 1,860 of 1,872)


Inherent: The Role of the English Language in the Japanese Language, Japanese Commercial Media and Japanese Identity
Gender and comedy in Korean television: A comparative analysis of Secret Garden and Coffee Prince
De aard van het suffix men
Dynamic Gender in Japan's Women's Politics: A discourse analysis on anti-Japanese media representations of Doi Takako and Renho Murata
Turkish Foreign Policy Under the AK Party: Turkey's role in the Middle East in the Post Arab Spring Era
Shinzo Abe: conservative nationalist and promotor of Nippon Kaigi’s ideas?
Encounters with the Other in Russian Blockbuster Movies: An analysis of what "the other" suggests about Russia's national self in three Russian blockbuster motion pictures
Sacralising the King: The Traiphum Phra Ruang for Royal Legitimacy in Thailand 1970-80
Psychological Restoration during the Contemplation of Japanese-style Stroll Gardens
Nuclear energy and public perception in Japan - Micromobilization in Kaminoseki
Islamitisch Geestelijk Verzorgers in Nederlandse Ziekenhuizen. De omgang met medisch-ethische vragen uit de praktijk.
The development of Dutch water management from 1950 till present: moving towards all- stakeholder involvement
Housing as a Fictitious Commodity?: A Historical Insight into Comparisons of Housing in Hong Kong and Singapore
What Role for Dialogue Among Allies? Public Discursive Threat Construction of a Nuclear Iran Among Netanyahu’s Israel and Obama’s U.S.
Sponsor van terrorisme: de rol van Iran in de relatie tussen Israël en Hezbollah
What if the Atlas shrugs: The impact of the rights of nature on foreign trade
Brought Back to Essentials: The Rites in the "Analects" and Their Value in Battling Stress
Two Tātācāryas at the Court of Virūpākṣa II - A socio-historical study of Anantārya's Prapannāmṛtam 123 - 125
