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  • (-) = Faculty of Humanities
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  • (-) ≠ Jonge, C.C. de

Search results

(41 - 60 of 755)


Red Laboratory
Brave New Mexico: Revolutionary nationalism and gender ideology in Adelita y las Guerrillas
Silence, Song and Speech. Euripidean women finding their  voice
Funerary Monuments in Palmyrene and Nabataean Inscriptions.
On Rational Belief about History
Between Freedom and Constraints: Women Translators in Republican China (1912-1949)
Soul Searching
Individual Differences in Musical Experience and L2 Vowel Perception: Insights from EEG and Behavioral Measures
Acoustic correlates and diagnostics of ATR in Boa-Leboale
An Alternative Neo-Confucianism: Zhang Shi Learning and the Intellectual Transitions Between Northern and Southern Song China
Maternal Grief in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry
China's Virtual Museum Exhibitions: Presenting Communist History to Foreign Audiences
Sojourners, Sailors, and Sex Workers
Zheng Tufei and "The Coconuts". Revolution, Coolies, and Heartbreaks in Nanyang
Spectant Victores Ruinam Naturae
The M-Prefix in Ancient Egyptian
The Empire's Most Humble Servants
Virtual nation building:  The (re)construction of national histories in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
