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(21 - 40 of 146)


The Hegemon is Dead, Long Live the Hegemon: America’s Rise to and Endurance as Global Power
The Imagination of Genetics and Lysenkoism in Cold War Media
“In the dark, you could never be too black. In the dark, everyone was the same”: Passing, Trauma and Colorism in Larsen’s Passing, Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, and Bennett’s The Vanishing Half
No More Hiroshima’s and Nagasaki’s
The Central Park Five and Their Media Coverage
The Power of Women in the Civil Rights Movement
The Master’s Tools
Multi-Level Consumer Harm
Promises and Disappointment
The Roots of Space Privatization in the New Space Race
When a Warrior Meets a Knight
Negotiating Masculinity and Trauma in Early Post-9/11 Fiction and Media Coverage about the FDNY
An Unexceptional Presidency
“The Moral Right and Duty of the United States”: The United States and Liberian Independence during the Scramble for Africa
Conservative Women’s Organizations in the United States in the 21st Century
States' Rights or Federal Responsibility?
