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Search results

(61 - 80 of 110)


What Was Left To Say: Resistance and Identity in Maya Angelou's Oratory
A VENTURE INTO IMPERIALISM: The United States Congress and the First Oil Deals with Saudi Arabia (1943-1948)
Self-Evident but not Self-Executing: Comparing the Use of the Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, 2007-2017
Coretta Scott King and Betty Shabazz: Coming Out From the Shadow of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X
The T in LGBT
Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Party: The Fine Line Between The Personal And Political
Hamilton: An American Musical and its Role in Questioning the Cultural Hegemony of the Foundation Myth of the United States of America
A Faustian Bargain in American Politics: How the Republican Party Profited from Senator Joe McCarthy
"We'd Rather Die on Our Feet Than Be Livin' on Our Knees": The Role of Radicalism in African-American Protest Music, 1960 – 1990: A Case Study and Lyrical Analysis
The Fall of the American Adam And Eve: Demythologizing Female Gender Constructions in Jeffrey Eugenides’ The Virgin Suicides and Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping
Is God Great? Christopher Hitchens and the New Atheism debate
Commodified Kin: Enslaved Families' Responses to the Antebellum Domestic Slave Trade in the Chesapeake
Sanders's Horse Race: How the Media Explained Bernie Sanders's Loss in the 2016 Democratic Primaries
Hawaii Shirts, Protest and Rock 'n Roll: A Post-Cold War Examination of the Social-Cultural Role of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa
Paul Ryan: True Conservative or Enemy of the Base? An analysis of the Relationship between the Tea Party and the GOP
Stuck In Denial versus Moving With Science: Climate Change Discourses and the Influence of the Denial Machine on Left and Right News Media
The Construction of Race and the Politics of Memory in American Anti- and Pro-Slavery Fiction from  Harriet Beecher Stowe to Thomas Nelson Page
