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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Bachelor thesis
  • (-) = 2020
  • (-) ≠ Kwaadsteniet, E. de

Search results

(61 - 80 of 852)


The prevalence of anxiety symptomatology in depressed persons across age groups
Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern in Gifted early adolescents
Cognitive Reserve;  A protective measure for Alzheimer’s disease?
CBM-Maze Task: Reflection of reading comprehension skills and association with reading enjoyment
The Impact of Shame on Trust: An Experimental Study
Verklarende mechanismen voor de relatie tussen alcoholgebruik en internaliserende en externaliserende gedragsproblemen
Brua and the conception of mental illness among people from the ABC Islands in the Netherlands
Psychological Safety and  Innovative Work Behaviours in  Health Care Workers
To what extent do scores from the CBM maze task reflect text comprehension?
What is the relation between executive functioning and self-regulated learning?
Lighten the burden: Manageable job resources to help street-level bureaucrats deal better with administrative tasks.
Debts and Disinclination: The Influence of Acknowledgement on Debtors’ Willingness to Contact the Creditor
Anxiety but not Depression Predicts Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease
Pregnancy does not Lead to Greater Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task
Differentiation of Cognitive Performance Statuses in Multiple Sclerosis using Principal Component Analyses
