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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
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  • (-) ≠ Middendorp, H. van
  • (-) ≠ Rover, M. de

Search results

(20,401 - 20,420 of 21,270)


The Libyan Intervention, Triumph and Downfall of the Responsibility to Protect in One
Egypte: de pseudodemocratie voorbij?
Het dienen van algemeen of partijbelang?
What factors explain why there is not a common and comprehensive global response to cyber threats?
The insecurity of the security dilemma
‘Het parlement van binnenuit onderuit halen’ Een onderzoek naar het gedrag van de Partij voor de Vrijheid in het Europees Parlement
Party Identification and Political Tolerance in the Netherlands
Democratiehulp: Effectief of slechts Schone Schijn?
Political Leadership Traits and Tolerant Decision-making Process
Words or Swords: Russia's Strategies in Handling its Territorial Disputes
Political tolerance in the Netherlands: in decline? The role of the libertarian-authoritarian dimension.
Multiparty Mediation in the Southern Philippines Conflict
How is Mexico implementing its soft power by means of its public diplomacy to influence its international image?
Normative Power Europe: Ideational factors in EU’s foreign policies towards China and China’s perceptions
Sustainable Development or Pollution Haven? Analysis of BRICS Economic Growth
Vloek of Mythe? De ‘Resource Curse’ Ontrafeld in Latijns Amerika.
Evolution of Strategies for an Evolution of Indigenous Rights: Shifting Mapuche Activism onto International Platforms
Laat ze thuisblijven - opkomst, deliberatieve democratie en legitimiteit
Tracing the Origins of Democratic Decay
Legitimiteit of Succesvolle Democratische Transitie
