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  • (-) ≠ Hosli, M.O.

Search results

(121 - 140 of 562)


Reducing objectivity bias from visual evidence with a ‘consider-the-opposite’ bias warning
Parents with Overconfident and Underconfident Traits: An Explorative Study on Discrepancies Between Parental Confidence and Parental Competence
Emotion Regulation Strategies and Emotional Arousal in Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomies
Effect of daylight saving time measured as impulse response in smartphone behavior
Placebo and cognitive enhancement: the cognitive and neurological effects of conditioning and verbal suggestion
“Stop Right There!”: The Effect of Pausing Video Evidence on the Perceived Intent of Suspects
Processes Behind Reinforcement Learning
Resilience to COVID-19-Related Stress in Young People with a History of Early Life  Adversity
Little tyrants: Explaining early physical aggression through stress response profiles
Partner Choice and Social Environments Shape Rule Abidance Behavior
Tell Them or Ask Them? The Effect of Prediction-Generation on Category Learning.
Investigating Low-Level Predispositions of Individual Differences in Intergroup Prejudice: The Role of Implicit Threat Sensitivity
Linking Observed Parenting Behaviors to Childhood Depression and Child Gender: A Meta-Analysis
Social Attention and Autistic Traits in Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomy (47,XXY 47,XXX and 47 XYY)
The Moderation of Sensory Processing Sensitivity on the Relation between Parenting Daily Hassles and Caregiver Sensitivity
Social anxiety in Dutch non western children and young adolescents
”Dog, Cat, ... Pterodactyl”: Word Selection Abilities and the  Development of Semantic Verbal Fluency
The Impact of Childhood Emotional  Maltreatment and Emotion Dysregulation on Perception of Child-Parent Interaction in Adolescence
Developing a common metric for commonly used instruments in Routine Outcome  Monitoring
