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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
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  • (-) ≠ 2016

Search results

(81 - 100 of 18,134)


The role of expectancy of success and task value beliefs in motor learning
Longitudinal Associations Between Structural and Dynamic Vascular Factors and Apathy Symptoms in Older Persons - The DANTE Study Leiden
The Impact of Illness Perceptions on Self-Management Behaviors in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Eco anger and friends’ descriptive social norms as drivers of young adults’pro environmental behavior
The STA OP! intervention and Family involvement: how family involvement impacts the result of the STA-OP! intervention on problematic behaviour for persons with dementia
Chronotype and Poor Sleep Quality
De relatie tussen ouderlijke kritiek en anxiety bij adolescenten
De rol van informatie valentie en sociaaleconomische status in informatiezoekend gedrag
The relationship between psychological factors, experienced sleep and fatigue in medical patients with insomnia
Trust Your Gut or Rely on Reason
Resilience related to psychosocial health in adolescents with mentally ill family members
Burden-sharing among  Far-Right Parties in the  European Union
Young adults’ pro-environmental household behavior:
The effect of gain-framed messages in motivating self-employed workers to detach from work: the moderating roles of financial stress and message trust
Optimalisatie van MRI modellen voor het onderscheiden van Alzheimer’s Disease subtypen
From Kindness to Connection
Understanding the Interaction Between Self-Esteem, Attachment Styles, Social Feedback Sensitivity and Feedback Expectation
Complexer dan gedacht: De invloed van steun vanuit vrienden op de relatie tussen steun vanuit ouders en depressie symptomen bij adolescenten
The course of executive functioning in pediatric non-CNS oncology patients in the first two years after diagnosis
