Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 18 of 18)
Comparing dispersion measures for describing within-group variance in multilevel modelling
The conditions underlying citizen support for the implementation of environmental policies
Oblicluster: A hierarchical cluster oriented method for oblique rotation in factor analysis
Measures of modeled variance for multilevel models
Motorproblems and Laterality in a Childpsychiatric Population and the Relation with Language-, and Math Performance.
Washing Away Your Inner Critic: How Physical Cleansing Reduces the Moral Identity Threat caused by Moral Refusers
Intrinsic and extrinsic goal pursuit, goal facilitation through work, and life satisfaction.
Barycentric representations of logit and weighted regression models
Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation between Parents and Young Adult Children
Do work goals influence our private lives?
“The relationships between Ilness Cognitions and Diabetic Selfcare in type-I diabetic patients”