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  • (-) ≠ Kopecky, P.

Search results

(13,241 - 13,260 of 13,732)


Trust in Mitumba: Trade relationships in the Kenyan second-hand clothing market
Party Competition in a Multiparty System. An Empirical Study of Dutch Party Competition 1982-2010
The Consequences of Differentiated Integration: Asymmetry in Access to European Commission Advisory Committees?
Political Trust During The Sovereign Debt Crisis
Identifying characteristics of good and poor comprehenders
Adaptive functioning in children with an Autism Spectrum disorder with- and without comorbid disruptive disorders.
When love takes over: Impact of the changing marital landscape on familial relations in Hindu North India
Consultations of the Muses
Knowledge about the European Union and its predictors in twenty-five European Countries
The Dutch Slavery monument
Executive functions as the mechanisms underlying proactive and reactive aggression in child and adolescent boys.
Image-forming in the Indonesian Exhibition
The Collecting Experience: The collector-collected relation and collector interaction of Barbie, Blythe, and Ball-jointed doll collectors
Oeigoeren in Xinjiang
Pork in Brazil and the Executive Toolbox
The nature of tolerance
Intra - Group Fragmentation of Self-Determination Movements: An Analysis of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Is the economy better off than before?
Securitizing Climate Change - Why the Way Climate Change is Framed Matters
Categorical Divides and the Berber Identity Movement: A Discursive Approach to Identity Formation in Algeria and France
