Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Bullens, L.
  • (-) ≠ Pedagogische wetenschappen (BSc
  • (-) ≠ Sellaro, R.

Search results

(81 - 100 of 20,174)


Het effect van een verwachtingsoptimalisatie tool op het omgaan met bevallingspijn
Ervaren functioneren als een single item vraag in gezondheidsmonitors:
Angst en pijn rondom medische procedures: de relatie tussen attitudes en ervaringen van kinderen rondom medische procedures
Rejection Sensitivity and Social Feedback Learning Rate in Adolescents
Hunger Games: Placebo and Nocebo Effects on Hunger and the Role of Emotions
Expressiveness in socially  anxious adolescents:
The Dynamics of Group Negotiation: Exploring the Impact of Social Motives and Communication Structure in Negotiations
The Possible Mediation of Empathic Concern in the Relationship Between Parental Anxiety and Their Shown Supportiveness Toward Their Children
Measurement Invariance of the SIAS in a Chinese and US American Sample
De Schaduw van het Verleden
Understanding loneliness and social network centrality in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder in special education
The role of expectancy of success and task value beliefs in motor learning
Longitudinal Associations Between Structural and Dynamic Vascular Factors and Apathy Symptoms in Older Persons - The DANTE Study Leiden
The Impact of Illness Perceptions on Self-Management Behaviors in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
