Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Kinacioglu, M.
  • (-) ≠ Schaefer, R.S.
  • (-) = Aktar, E.

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(1 - 20 of 131)


The Influence of Parental Verbal Threat Information on Children’s Social Fear Beliefs: The Role of Parental Social Anxiety
The Impact of Parental Verbal Threat Information on Children´s Fear Beliefs
De vertaling van angst
Verbaal Overgedragen Angst
De invloed van ouders op angstovertuigingen van het kind
Parental Verbal Transmission of Social Anxiety
De invloed van verbale onveilige versus veilige informatie van ouders op het vermijdend gedrag van kinderen in reactie op vreemden
Social fear acquisition in children: the effect of parental verbal information and child temperament
The Parent-to-Child Transmission of Social Fears: The Effect of Verbal Information and Behavioral Inhibition
The Effect of Parental Verbal Information about Strangers in Social Situations on Children’s Reported Fear
Het effect van verbale informatie over onbekenden van ouders op de angstovertuigingen van adolescenten
The Influence of Parental Verbal Expressions of Threat versus Safety about Strangers on Children’s Attention: The role of Child Behavioral Inhibition
Does Parental Trait Social Anxiety Moderate Parent-to-Child Transmission of (Stranger) Anxiety via Verbal Information?
The effect of parental verbal information transmission on the development of childhood social fears: The immediate impact on avoidance and fear beliefs during social interaction
The Effect of Parental Verbal Communication of Threat and Safety on the Attentional Bias of Children
Exploring the relation between maternal depression and anxiety and child pupil responses to dynamic facial displays of emotion
Are a child’s fear beliefs influenced by their parents’ expression of threat vs safety? Does having child social anxiety increase fear beliefs?
