Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Kinacioglu, M.
  • (-) = Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (research) (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Buisman, R.S.M.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 132)


Relations between adverse childhood experiences and comorbid psychopathology in youth with a substance use disorder
Action Anticipation Based on Mental State Attribution in Adults
“I always told myself I would be the best on my team”
Is The Future of Diagnostics in The Brain?
Building Upon Each Other: An Exploratory Study of Coregulation in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Eye-Tracking Data Quality and Fixation Classification Algorithms: Influence on Key Dependent Variables in Implicit Theory of Mind Research
Prediction-Based Learning vs. Repetition-Based Learning: Investigating Age Groups, Prediction Error Magnitude, and Involved Brain Mechanisms
Infant gut microbiota clusters and diversity: association with eating problems and emotional eating and moderation effect by maternal caregiving
Social Attention and Theory of Mind in Preschool Aged Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomies (XXX, XXY, XYY)
Self-efficacy as a proxy for childhood agency: The association between self-efficacy and social competence of children with transgressive and aggressive behavior problems
Do Parenting Skills and Family Functioning Differently Influence The Developmental Rate of Early Social Cognitive Skills of Children With Sex Chromosome Trisomy (XXX, XXY, XYY)?
The What and How of Placement Decisions in Child Protection Cases: A Vignette Study
Facial emotion recognition, vocal emotion recognition and affective empathy in children at risk for criminal behaviour
Gender differences in mathematics anxiety: implicit and explicit measurements
Gender Differences in Mathematics Anxiety: Does the Method Used to Measure Mathematics Anxiety Matter?
Profiles of behaviour problems in youth at risk for developing antisocial behaviour
Parents with Overconfident and Underconfident Traits: An Explorative Study on Discrepancies Between Parental Confidence and Parental Competence
Emotion Regulation Strategies and Emotional Arousal in Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomies
Resilience to COVID-19-Related Stress in Young People with a History of Early Life  Adversity
Little tyrants: Explaining early physical aggression through stress response profiles
