Leiden University Student Repository

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Taalvaardigheden in relatie tot spelniveau bij 2 tot 9-jarige laagfunctionerende kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis.
Comparing dispersion measures for describing within-group variance in multilevel modelling
The conditions underlying citizen support for the implementation of environmental policies
Oblicluster: A hierarchical cluster oriented method for oblique rotation in factor analysis
Measures of modeled variance for multilevel models
Strategiegebruik bij getalsopgaven en contextopgaven in groep 8 van de basisschool
Motorproblems and Laterality in a Childpsychiatric Population and the Relation with Language-, and Math Performance.
Washing Away Your Inner Critic: How Physical Cleansing Reduces the Moral Identity Threat caused by Moral Refusers
Barycentric representations of logit and weighted regression models
Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation between Parents and Young Adult Children