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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Laarhoven, A.I.M. van
  • (-) ≠ Spirova, M.S.
  • (-) = Bullens, L.

Search results

(41 - 60 of 77)


Effects of recession on consumer preferences for luxury products
Effects of an economic recession on consumer attitudes toward luxury products
Verantwoord ruilen: De (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen, verantwoordelijkheid en spijt
Do you regret it yet?: Responsibility as a mediator between (ir)reversible decision-making and regret/self-blame
Effects of a recession on the preference for luxury products
Why people prefer reversible to irreversible decision-making: The influence of personal control
Niet tevreden maar wel geld terug: de (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen
The effect of a recession on hedonic attitudes towards luxury and budget products
Anticipatory pleasure and desire: More or less the same or clearly distinct emotions? An appraisal study
Hedonistische attitudes tegenover luxeproducten tijdens een economische recessie
The experience of anticipatory pleasure: Appraisal pattern and the effect of internal visualization
(Ir)reversible decision-making: A motivational account of consumer preferences for stability and change
Reversible decision-making and its pitfalls: from perceived responsibility to regret
De invloed van een economische recessie op consumentenattitudes tegenover luxeproducten
Choice overload: does responsibility lead to a decrease in choice satisfaction?
Crisis? Doe mij maar een Rolex!: De invloed van recessie op attituden tegenover luxeproducten
