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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Peters, S.
  • (-) ≠ Ly, V.
  • (-) = 2023

Search results

(21 - 40 of 2,017)


Strategic Helping: Differences in Perceptions of Warmth and Hypocrisy of Non-profits and For-profits With Varying Motives
De samenhang in het denken in genderstereotypen tussen ouders en kinderen
Receiving a creditor letter: The promising role of shame resilience in dealing with avoidance behaviour.
Impact of Economic Performance on the Secessionism of Ethnic Elites in Authoritarian Ethnofederal Systems
The effect of asking questions in negotiations: open versus closed questions
Is empathic behavior enough? An Examination of Empathy as a Tangible Construct or an Intangible Art from the Perspective of Dutch Cancer Patients
Wanneer lezers zelf hun teksten kiezen
Eye-Tracking Data Quality and Fixation Classification Algorithms: Influence on Key Dependent Variables in Implicit Theory of Mind Research
Omission responses in human inferior colliculus and medial geniculate body
Maladaptive Eating Behavior in Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder
Exploring Uncertainty: Job Control as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Job Satisfaction
Victim’s Perspective on Not Receiving Help from Bystanders in Workspace Bullying
Rethinking talent migration
Partij of persoon? De invloed van personalisering op de opkomst bij verkiezingen
Effect of Post-Encoding Task Difficulty on Episodic Memory Consolidation
Development of Intelligence in Preschool- and School- Aged Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
De samenhang tussen traumasymptomen van moeders en de leeftijd waarop zij hun eerste kind kregen op het externaliserende probleemgedrag van hun kinderen in een post-huiselijk geweld context
Sex based difference in the  influence of parental sensitivity on  affect regulation
Moderation Effect of Organisational Support on the Relationship Between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Turnover Intention
Self-Generated Choice Overload
