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(1 - 20 of 1,657)


De rol van alexithymie bij het effect van arousal op de emotieherkenning van vrouwen met ASS
Motieven voor middelengebruik onder jongeren en jongvolwassenen in Nederland
I belong (t)here: A visual ethnographic case study on the community art project Ik was niet van plan te blijven (I did not intend to stay)
University students with disabilities: Opinions on factors that affect their ability to learn from lectures
Childhood abuse and neglect are associated with increased sensitivity to rejection by mother later in life
De integratie van flow met het biopsychosocial model van uitdaging en dreiging
The effects of construal of high power and feedback on risk-taking
Positive and negative expectations regarding different routes of medication administration
The influence of mixed emotions in word-of-mouth
Social-evaluative feedback, self-concept clarity and rumination
Sleep disorders in PTSD and other trauma-related disorders
Cognitive reactivity: A comparison between methods of measuring cognitive reactivity
