Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Spirova, M.S.
  • (-) = Peters, S.

Search results

(61 - 80 of 93)


Gender differences in physical self-concept
Am I dull or funny?: Neural and behavioral correlates of self-conflict across adolescence
The effect of impulsivity on cognitive development in adolescents
Personality traits and body image: The mediating role of self-esteem
The influences of parental self-concept on relationship strengths, love-withdrawal and adolescent self-concept
The relationship between self-esteem, depression, anxiety and spatial and verbal performance in adolescence
The relationship between neuroticism and pro-social behaviour in adolescents
De ontwikkeling van het zelfconcept en pro-sociaal gedrag tijdens de adolescentie
The effects of prosocial and aggressive behavior on friendship quality: Examining moderation effects
Sensatiezucht als voorspeller van het nemen van expliciete en ambigue risico’s in de adolescentie
Does depression affect prosocial behavior in adolescence?
De invloed van feedback op zelfvertrouwen tijdens de adolescentie
Impulsivity and aggression as predictors for bully behavior in childhood
Risicogedrag: het effect van extraversie en beloningsgevoeligheid bij adolescenten
