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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Tollenaar, M.S.
  • (-) = Noordewier, M.K.
  • (-) ≠ Doesum, N.J. van

Search results

(21 - 40 of 77)


Ruil- of huilhandel: de (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen
Curiosity and its impact on affect and evaluation
The effect of lacking control: Financial decision-making under scarcity
Do teasers work?: The effect of curiosity induction on  video evaluation
Verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel bij omkeerbare beslissingen: self-credit of self-blame?
Annoying or intriguing?: The effects of waiting time in teaser advertising
Verantwoordelijkheid de grote mediator tussen de (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen en spijt/self-blame?
Verantwoord ruilen: De (on)omkeerbaarheid van beslissingen, verantwoordelijkheid en spijt
Curiosity and how it shapes our evaluation: Does knowing more lead to liking less?
Do you regret it yet?: Responsibility as a mediator between (ir)reversible decision-making and regret/self-blame
Filling in the gaps: The Impact of curiosity on affect and evaluation
Exploring the effects of a lack of information on expectations and evaluation
The economic tunnel vision me, myself and I: How an economic frame affects ostracism and the experienced feelings
Curious evaluations
