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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Vaart, R. van der
  • (-) ≠ Peper, J.S.
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Search results

(21 - 40 of 2,047)


Quality of life and mood problems: gender  differences among individuals in treatment for co-morbid substance use disorder and psychiatric  comorbidities
The Association of Therapist’s Level of Experience and Facilitative  Interpersonal Skills: Secondary Analysis
'Estimated time since disease onset' vs cognitive decline: An exploration of the trajectory of amyloid accumulation in the brain since disease onset vs. cognitive decline as a means to improve secondary prevention efforts of Alzheimer's disease.
Investigating Irrational Inactivity
Investigating Irrational Inactivity: A Prototype Analysis of Financial Inertia
Linking Observed Parenting Behaviors to Childhood Depression and Child Gender: A Meta-Analysis
Social Attention and Autistic Traits in Children with Sex Chromosome Trisomy (47,XXY 47,XXX and 47 XYY)
De relatie tussen de standards of coherence, het leggen van causale verbanden in een tekst en het  leesbegrip van studenten
De invloed van schuld op prosociaal gedrag bij kinderen  en de modererende rol van zelfvertrouwen
De relaties tussen schuld en schaamte en prosociaal en delinquent gedrag van kinderen
De mogelijke rol van kennis over het placeboeffect van ouders en zorgverleners in de  acceptabiliteit van behandelversterkende en  behandelvervangende placebo-toepassingen in  de pediatrische zorg
Placebo-effecten zonder misleiding
The Properties of Interpersonal  Synchrony that Play a Role in  Increasing Cooperativity
Putting Good Practice into Practice: A Replication Attempt of the Ambiguity Effect on Inaction Inertia
Perspective Taking as a Result of Feature Overlap in a Vertical Simon Task
