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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
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  • (-) ≠ Vaart, R. van der
  • (-) = Nieuwenburg, P.

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(41 - 60 of 73)


Spinoza and ethically justified use of state secrecy
Belangengroepen in de Europese Unie: Oplossing voor het democratische tekort?
Climate change migrants as refugees
Het Johnson Amendement: Gods huis in de greep van de keizer of afgeschermd van wereldse heerschappij?
Dual citizenship: The top-down versus the bottom-up approach
Orde, democratie en vrijheid: Het denken van Hayek en het democratisch ideaal
Animal rights and moral vegetarianism - The moral status of nonhuman animals through a social contract approach
Policy changes in the face of uncertainty: the case of returning foreign fighters in the Netherlands
Environmental ethics: Distributive justice in the context of climate change
Privacy: Nice to have or a must-have? A comparison of the liberal and communitarian answer
Mill & Martijn
What is Politics?
Het Openbaar en Bijzonder Onderwijs: harmonieus huwelijk of scheiding van bed en tafel?
Why the detention of asylum seekers is unjustified
Liberal Neutrality and Personal Autonomy: Why a neutral state cannot guarantee the freedom of individuals
