Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ Psychology (research) (MSc
  • (-) = Sellaro, R.
  • (-) ≠ Kleijn, R.E. de

Search results

(41 - 60 of 64)


The choice is yours: How tyrosine might be able to promote model-based behavior
Meditating for conflict: No effect of brief single-session meditation on the efficiency of response conflict
The effect of individual differences on trustworthiness-ratings in real-life dating interactions
Selfishness or selflessness: Does true altruism exist?
Does the Stroop task induce cognitive control states that affect performance in the Simon task?
Beyond skin deep: characteristics of dating success
Dopamine and cognitive control: the influence of eyeblink frequency and variability in a set-switching task
Selflessness of selfishness?: Testing the relation between self-other integration and altruism
In the blink of an eye: Analyzing eye blink rate variability as biological marker of dopamine level
The role of affect synchrony on attraction and dating success
Sit in to fit in: The effects of furniture arrangement on self-other integration and self-disclosure
Can motor imagery training affect cognitive control? An explorative pilot study using emotiv EPOC
Train your brain with Peak©
Effects of meditation on social decision making after experiencing vicarious ostracism
