Leiden University Student Repository

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Party Competition in a Multiparty System. An Empirical Study of Dutch Party Competition 1982-2010
Categorical Divides and the Berber Identity Movement: A Discursive Approach to Identity Formation in Algeria and France
The Dilemma Behind Somali Piracy: How Territorial Integrity Hinders Effective State Response.
Never Ask a Woman to Do a Man’s Job? Gender Difference, Workplace Equality & Quota Hiring
Words or Swords: Russia's Strategies in Handling its Territorial Disputes
Democracies, Autocracies, Liberal Norms and the Use of Force
Laat ze thuisblijven - opkomst, deliberatieve democratie en legitimiteit
Standing alone when it all comes down: the relationship between personalist regimes and negative post-tenure fates explored.
Framing and Political Tolerance. The effects of Issue Framing on Adolescents's Levels of Political Tolerance towards Wilders
Regionalistic Nationalism in the Basque Country and Galicia: A Voter and Class Based Explanation
Hannah Arendt, Revolution & Democracy
Klaargestoomd voor het wereldtoneel: Burgerschapseducatie in een wereld zonder grenzen.