Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2024
  • (-) ≠ Mol, S.E.
  • (-) ≠ 2007

Search results

(101 - 120 of 20,257)


Unlocking stroke rehabilitation potential: Investigating phase-dependent effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on motor cortex excitability.
Network connectivity as a prognostic marker for depression severity increase
Military Entertainment Complex: When the French military gets on stage
Just a Phase? Depressive Symptoms, Sleep, Self-esteem, and Substance Use in an Adolescent Sample
Naviqueeren: geen effect van seksuele oriëntatie, geslacht en gender op navigatievaardigheden
Waar de wieg staat - De invloed van sociaaleconomische status op informatie-zoekend gedrag, gemodereerd door angst
Het Effect van Verrassing na het maken van een Fout op Post-error Slowing
De behoeften van mentoren
Internaliserende problematiek en sociale interactie bij kinderen met een extra X-chromosoom (47,XXX en 47,XXY)
Effect of Aid that Targets Institution-Building in the Health Sector
Burnout and work engagement among emergency department nurses: Which work characteristics best separate the burnout – work  engagement profiles?
Risk taking and alcohol use in young adults
De Intergenerationele Relatie van PTSS tussen Ouders en Kinderen
The relationship between Parental Sensitivity and Children’s Prosocial Behavior, Sex differences
Investigating the Relationship Between Perceived Social Support, Social Networks and Depression in Young Adults
Do American, Dutch and Israeli physicians differ in the acceptance of euthanasia in patients with dementia?
Thinking About the Other Now and in the Future
Effectiveness of Intensified Prolonged Exposure in PTSD and the Role of Cognitions
