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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) ≠ 2024
  • (-) ≠ Skvortsova, A.

Search results

(20,181 - 20,200 of 20,300)


Individual differences in post-­‐decision satisfaction of unique bad features comparisons
When prejudice expectations invade an interaction: Regulatory foci and inclinations to trust, distrust or even retaliate
Freezing behaviour during intergroup contact
Cognitive Development and Behavioral Problems in Children with Syndromic and Complex Craniosynostosis
Positive stereotype threat: A cognitive resources approach
A look at the dynamic game „Tap the little hedgehog‟
De ontwikkeling van executieve functies en de relatie met het sociaal functioneren van basisschoolkinderen.
Parental Support and Control in Relation to the Onset of Alcohol use in Adolescence.
De relatie tussen het spelniveau en de cognitieve ontwikkeling bij kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis
Social anxiety and liking among adolescents: The role of physical attractiveness and emotional appearance
