Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Beurs, E. de
  • (-) ≠ Berg, L.J.M. van den
  • (-) ≠ Burger, A.M.

Search results

(1 - 20 of 102)


The Impact of Child Abuse on Depressive Symptoms and the Role of Emotion Regulation Training in Patients with Depression and a Recent History of Victimization
Online guided self-help Binge Eating Disorder treatment: Prognostic factors of treatment outcome
The usability of the HoNOS+ questionnaire for the assessment of care needs in  Post-  Traumatic Stress Disorder in the 'Zorgprestatiemodel' in the Netherlands.
Continuous Norming of Psychological Tests: A Comparison Between GAMLSS and Traditional Multiple-Regression Approaches
Optimizing triage of treatment seeking patients with common mental disorders
Examining the transdiagnostic hierarchical meta-structure of psychopathology in primary care patients
Developing a common metric for commonly used instruments in Routine Outcome  Monitoring
Testing the Brief Version of the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI-9)
The capability of the BSI to identify prisoners in need of psychiatric care
Comparison of videoconference and face-to-face treatment effects of personality disorders
Stress bij Nederlandse en internationale studenten in Leiden Is eenzaamheid een mediator in deze relatie?
