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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Political Science and Public Administration (research) (MSc
  • (-) ≠ Eijk, C. van
  • (-) ≠ 2016

Search results

(21 - 40 of 63)


Explaining modes of executive-legislative relations: Empirical evidence from Dutch local councils
Exploring Bobbio's idea of an egalitarian left-right dimension: Distinguishing between a holistic and a situation-specific approach
Triumph in twinning?: The role of EU experts in the realization of externally supported public sector reform
Explaining evaluation use: A qualitative comparative analysis of factors influencing instrumental use of evaluations
What do they threaten? Towards an explanation of the selection of different referent objects during securitization
Social investment in European welfare states: Towards more jobs and higher labour market participation?
Capturing the courts: Partizipation of the judiciary across European Democracies
The impact of political parties on anti-corruption reform in Ukraine: The case of public procurement
The Feedback of Inequality: Policy Patterns, Power Resources and Institutional  Redesign in the United States
Making education work: school autonomy, performance and social capital
Parliamentary elections in Belarus: Forming a party or running alone?
The use of OMC-related information  in the EU’s system of multi-level governance
Dutch political party origins
Do-democracy and its democratic effects on deliberative and participatory democracy
Radicalisation and moderation among European regionalist parties: The influence of state level structures on the demands of CiU, N-VA and SNP
The metamorphose of social partnership: Industrial relations in the era of finance
From wife to presidential partner: The policy agenda of the first lady of the United States
Salience matters for policy congruence, but only for niche parties: An issue-level analysis of distances between party positions and
Legislators and parties in authoritarian systems: Rubber stamps or loyal powerhouses? Analysis of policy influence in the Russian state duma
