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(41 - 60 of 122)


Eastern Enlargement’s Impact on European Identity  in the Central and East European states
U.S. Foreign Military Aid and Military Behaviour in Africa and the Middle East
Hezbollah and the October Protests in Lebanon: Between resistance and party politics
Hyphenated Identities:  Voices From the Watchtower During the Cypriot Civil War
The Road to Failure or Success: The Military Effectiveness of Hezb-e-Islami and the Taliban Compared
Unity through fear? How hegemonic perceptions influence public support for the  European Union.
Eurosceptic Populism in Hungary: Are Multidimensional EU Attitudes Enabling Democratic Backsliding?
The Impact of Agricultural Intensification on Civil Conflict in Africa
The impact of conservation of nature and wildlife on conflict
Beyond the Security Frame? Media Framing of the Refugee Crisis in Central and Eastern European Countries
Ecuador and the Discursive Struggle Over Buen Vivir
The eternal grievance: poverty and inequality in Malaysian ethnic politics
Beyond Growth: Poverty Reduction Through Agricultural Policies in Ethiopia
Why Nations Diverge
Institutions are a diamond's best friend
