Leiden University Student Repository

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Review and comparison of bioarchaeological research techniques for mummified human remains (100 BC-650 AD) in Nazca, Peru
In our own natures frail. Testing the Skeletal Frailty Index on the Dutch (post-)mediaeval urban Eindhoven collection
Living with Holes in the Head: A Regional Study on the Nature and Survival Rates of Trepanation in Pre-Colonial Peru
Growing out of it: An osteological assessment of puberty in Dutch post-medieval Middenbeemster, as a proxy for health and disease
Human-suid relationships in Early Neolithic Europe: A case study of the Bulgarian site Džuljunica-Smărdeš
A Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Eemian site of Waziers, France
Puzzling Palaeobotanical Proxies: Comparing macro- and microbotanical data of two cores from Early Preboreal residual channel deposits from Anhamm, Niers-Rhine valley, Germany
The Question of Cribra Femora - Examining the Cause of Cribra Femora in a Dutch Archaeological and Medical Skeletal Collection
Detecting Orthopaedic Healthcare Practices in Late Medieval and Early Modern Netherlands. A paleopathological analysis of three infirmary collections
The role of hominins in the formation of the faunal assemblages of the Palaeolithic locality Schöningen, Germany
Reconstructing the ecological setting of the North Sea area: stable isotope analysis of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene faunal remains
The Feathered Inhabitants of Oegstgeest
A pollen analysis contributing to a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Lower Palaeolithic Barnham, East Anglia - Improving the understanding of hominid occupation in this area
About the possibility to trace Jewish urban households by means of an ichtyo-archaeological investigation: A study on archaeological fish remains from Post-Medieval Amsterdam and Medieval Cologne.
The avifauna of the Palaeolithic locality Schöningen, Germany
The Bones of our Ancestors The relation between ancestor veneration, the cult of Lady 9 Grass and tomb reuse at Monte Albán, Tomb 7