Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Book and Digital Media Studies
  • (-) ≠ O'Daly, I.
  • (-) ≠ 2021

Search results

(1 - 20 of 116)


Reading Jane Austen in the Digital Age
An Open Access Dialogue between Latin America and the Global North
Pages Reflecting a Small Nation
The Role of Preprints in Scholarly Communication: Complementing the Functions of Academic Publishing
Affordances and Immersion
Navigating AI Portrayal in Speculative Fiction (1950-2015):
The Garden of Forking Paths
A Novel, A Game, or a 'Glorified PowerPoint Slideshow'?
‘So wie die leest devotelic op sijn knien’: A Study of the 15th-century Book of Hours of Aef van Bolgerien (Leiden, BPL 2747)
Crowdsourcing with Reward Systems
The Album Amicorum of Pieter Schenck (1660-1711), Print Publisher and Portraitist
A Literary Rebellion
Changing typesetting and printing conventions in the eighteenth century
The Reading Game
Paper Travels: The Library of Johanna Paauw (Leiden 1699-1767)
Exploring the relationship between the fan fiction community and the publishing industry
Love Letters: A Selected Edition of the Correspondence Between Jurriaan Eindhoven and Jacoba Holst
